Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Google Search Bar - UN Women

The auto-complete function on Google's search bar reveals some interesting things about how the average person perceives the world around them.
When it comes to women, Google's auto-complete feature reveals an entirely troubling summation of the world's most popular beliefs about how they should behave, what rights they have, what they can accomplish and how they should be treated. Overall, the majority of Google users who search for information about women appear to perceive us as unworthy of respect, unintelligent and incapable sacks of meat, whose only purpose is to fulfill archaic "traditional" gender roles.

In an ingenious campaign, UN Women uses these popular Google searches to inform the public of the very real gender inequality still at play in today's world. To think, even for a moment, that these searches are not a direct indication of the gender equality women face everyday would be an outright denial of the truth.

Though, realistically this may not be an accurate depiction of the global majority's opinions, it is important to note that these are phrases have been searched enough times by enough people for Google to store them in its auto-complete database. So, what does this mean? There is a sizable number of people in the world who have an undeniably sexist view of women.

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